Saturday, July 16, 2005

YES or NO and no BUTs

courtesy of piopipopips

1) Smoke? - yes
2) Read the newspaper? - yes
3) Pray? - yes
4) Been in love? - YES YES YES
5) Gone skinny dipping? - yes
6) Had a medical emergency? - (recently) no
7) Had surgery? - yeah, appendectomy
8) Ran away from home? - no (have been away from home since i was 16)
9) Played strip poker? - no
10) Got beaten up? - yeah (for my bro)
11) Been on stage? - YEAH
12) Slept outdoors? - yes (one time sa mendiola, budget cut for State Us)
13) Pulled an all nighter? - yes
14) Made out with a stranger? - SEBs??? yeah
15) Been on radio/tv? - yeah
16) Been in a mosh-pit? - as an USHER.
17) Pepsi or coke? - COKE!!!
18) Chocolate or vanilla? - CHOCOLATE
19) Internet or phone? - internet...
20) Suicidal? - nah (i love myself... contemplated though a few years back)
21) Stubborn? - hihihihi... yeah (its leaning on driven)
22) Open-minded? - yes - very much
23) Arrogant? - NO
24) Patient? - yeah - very much
25) Hyper? - yeah
26) Nice? - yes
27) Happy? - right now, yes
28) Shave your head for $1000? - oo naman!
29) Like candles? - yeah... mood setters
30) Believe in love at first sight? - NOPE
31) Believe in forgiveness? - YES of course...
32) Want to get married? - yes the idea is on my mind
33) Want to have kids? - YEAH

34) Three words that sum you up. - martyr... fun... lover...
35) Jewelry worn daily. - earrings (piercings)
36)Coffee - im a tea boy
37) Shoes. - CHUCKS....
38) Cologne/perfume. - HUGO line... LACOSTE the pink one
39) Clothing you have on. - boxers and sand

40) Cried? - nope
41) Gotten sick? - nope
42) Sang? - yeah!
43) Eaten? - wendys burger
44) Been kissed? - nope
45) Talked to an ex? - yeah... saya!
46) Seen someone u have a crush on? - slyt? yeah
47) Had a serious talk? - iam happy i did
48) Missed someone? - yeah i have
49) Hugged someone? - yup! a lot actually... mga sabog na tao

50) Slept in your bed. - pogs...
51) Saw you cry. - matt, row, and marco
52) Made you cry. - ex
53) You went to the movies with. - my bro

54) Said "I Love You" and meant it? - YES... yes... and yes...
55) Dreamed something really crazy and then it
happened the next day? - nope
56) Wished you were the opposite sex? - NO WAY... not in a million years...
57) What book are you reading
58) Worst feeling in the world? - being betrayed
59) What's under your bed? - ah mites?
60) Siblings? - 1
61) College plans? - none... poor eh
62) Piercings/tattoos? - yeah... tattoo i am thinking
63) Do you do drugs? - yeah i do...
64) Do you drink? - yeah...
65) What clothes do you sleep in? - boxers or
boxer briefs
66) Where do you want to get married? - nasagot ko na eto eh... sa hill top or beach
67) Who do you really hate? - liars


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