Monday, July 18, 2005


courtesy of JLAJ

1. san ka naghighschool?
Palawan Hope Christian School

2. fave mong tambayan sa skul?
PLay ground sa may slide... basta kung saan wala mashadong tao
3. madalas ka sa library?***not really not unless inaantok

4. kumakain ka sa canteen?
nagbabaon kami... but we eat sa kanteen, minsan sa mga kubo

5. npalabas ka na ba sa library?
hahahah.. i think... oo several times, pasaway eh

6. eh sa classroom?
definitely yes. napalo pa ako ones sa table ng teacher dahil makulit

7. bumagsak ka na ba sa ibang subjects mo?***
Not really. But I failed a test or two.

8. ano fave mong subject?
science and those that involves arts

9. nagcutting ka na ba?
ndi pede sa amin... halata

10. nahuli ka na bang nangongopya?
hahahhaa... yeah! of all subjects walang kwentang chinese class pa. lessoned learned: "dont cheat alone... hahahaha

11. nwalan ka na ba ng cel sa skul?
ndi pa uso cell nun. if ever i was too far from civilization to have one

12. eh money?
nope, dont think so

13. subject(s) u like least?
filipino, bulol ako magbasa eh

14. may crush ka ba sa skul?
yeah! naman! greatest crush was Floralyn Luna

15. mdmi ka ba kilala na nde mo clasm8s?
My skul has a small population small imagine having 11 classmates for my HS days

16. active ka ba sa mga campings?
yeah... fun fun fun

17. mdmi ka ba admirers sa skul?
i dont think i have

18. cno partner mo nung js?
didnt have a chance to experience one... freak, mga tao sa skul

19. lagi ka ba late?
not really... bihirang bihira

20. lagi ka ba absent?
not unless my parents says so

21. du u wear ur id ol d tym?
yeah... cute ko sa id ko eh

24. do u write legibly?
hahaha.. no!

25. use cel inside ur room?
ndi pa nga uso eh. its a remote area hahahaha

26. mdmi ka ba nkktang magxota sa skul?

27. ilan dnadla mong notebuks?
6 every day. damn!

28. eh books?
mga 8

29. canteen or library?

30. absent or cut classes?

31. write or listen?

33. no teachers or no classes?
no teachers. that way you can hang out the entire day without doing anything. no place to go anyway.

34. ballpen or pencil?
ballpen, ive always fancied ink

35. writing lectures or writing nonsensethings?
go home and watch TV


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