Tuesday, July 19, 2005


courtesy of JLAJ

What's the story behind your name?
>> My dad liked that name. Interesting thought! ill ask my dad tomorrow

What do you like doing when you're sad?
>> Listen to music. sit inbthe dark and force myself to cry then move on till i feel sad again

What do you want to name your future
>> Tala, Bagyo, Kulog, Kidlat,

What makes you nervous?
>> when i am not doing what im supposed to then im about to be busted

What makes you cry?
>> relationship based story lines that are dramatic

Your wish when you last blew your
birthday candles?
>> i stopped doing that when i was around 5 i think. cant remember what i wished for.

Have you ever ran away?
>> planned to but it never materialized. im have been away from home since i was 16

When was the last time you received a
love letter?
>> hahahah... too long i forgot!

When was the last time you wrote a love
>> i cant remember.

If you could spend a whole week
anywhere you want, where would you go?
>> the Moon!?

What do you think of your past?
>> brilliant... just right!

How did you spend yesterday?
>> watch TV. trying to be the most unproductive individual ever

What time did you go to bed last night?
>> around 3am

Who was the last person who said good
night to you last night?
>> POGs

What time did you wake up this morning?
>> afternoon: 1:30pm

Do you know what woke you up?
>> have no clue

Who was the first person you saw this
>> ate aileen!

What did you have for breakfast?
>> its afternoon! duh... ate fish for late lunch!

What was the first song you listened to
>> Redlight by tamberlain

What did you have for dinner last night?
>> Kare-Kare... yummy!

Did you go anywhere today?
>> no... mainly bec i dont have money!

Did you make/receive any phone calls
>> from POGs

What did u wish for when you woke up this
>> i am rich!

What is ur plan right now?
>> i wanna get thinner... probabaly try to swim otr organize a sked to do that

Are u thinking about someone? Who?
>> My bro. he feels sick!


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