Sunday, August 21, 2005


from russ

1. Love is Blind or Lovers are Blind?

both... love is blind bec wen people are in love they tend to close their eyes on pressing matters and when they are so in love they shut themselves from the world...

2. Ano ba mas mahalaga: tagal ng pinagsamahan o tindi ng nararamdaman?

tindi ng nararamdaman... in time that intensity fades...

3. The one you Love or the one who Loves u? y?

the one i love... i dunno... its just that!

4. Long distance relationship, hanggang kelan ka tatagal?

i think depends... but right now i dont know if m cut out for a long distance rel.

5. Past o present? Sino sa palagay mo?

ahhh... ayw ko magcomment...

6. Relationship na puro away, magtatagal kaya?

no!!! NEVER...

7. Okay lang ba na ex Gf or bf mo naging sila ng bestfriend mo?

as long as there inst any residual feelings

8. Mahirap bang magselos lalo't wala kang karapatan?

oo naman! its very hard!!! as in HARD

9. Corny ba ang makipagbalikan sa ex?

if it is... then i am so CORNY!!!

10. Nagkakausap ba kayo ng Ex mo?


12. If you were to choose bf/gf smoker or not?

i dont care as long as he/she doesnt smell ikky when kissing... sometimes the smell is so thick that you wanna puke!

13. Are u willing to give ur eyes to someone you love?

yeah i reached that level... even my life... hahahaha

14. Do you believe in soulmates?

im a hopeless romantic... yeah i do... my worst fear is to realize they have already gone my way and i didnt have a clue

15. what attracts you most?

eyes... and nose... syempre dapat tall at maputi... ahehehe

16. Ano gagawin mo pag na inluv ka sa barkada mo?

patay... but that would be so cool... the problem is what will happen it if didnt work... but based on experience okay naman... we are still friends.

17. Anung meron cya na wala ang iba?

who are we talking about here? number 16 or 10??? si 16 determination and intelligence, smooth skin, nice lips, nice nose... si 10 tall, uber cute, uber sweet, uber lambing... ahhh!!!

18. Nasabi mo na ba sa kanya ung feelings mo?

yeah i have...

19. Ready ka na ba 4 a new relationship?

nah... i dont think so...

20. What can u assure her/him if ever she/he & you will be in a relationship?

who are we talking about here, number 19??? i dont know... but if ever the day comes that i am ready... ill make sure that i will make it count! that what we will have will out shine any realtionship in the past... that way if ever there are ruins and remnants of previous and past loves they will all be shadows in the beauty of the new one


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